Tuesday, 30 November 2010

A Comparison on Cotton Carrier Bags With Other Products

Environmental hazards and the urgency to protect our planet has become a great determination in the entire universe. Due to these serious environmental issues, the entire population is opting for greener alternatives in their daily lives - for the present and the future.


Today, carrier bags are a popular consumer product. People need them everyday of their lives; manufacturers have gone to great heights with their creativity. They too have given serious thought to the environmental hazards and now produced an appropriate product to protect the environment. Cotton Carrier Bags are more advantageous and beneficial when compared with the common plastic bags or even the paper bags.

One of the prime advantages of this eco-friendly bag is that they can be used over and over again; they are long lasting and will reduce waste to a great extent. For example, unlike the many other bags found in the market which are binned after use, this bag can be used longer; explaining the reduction of garbage/waste. Apart from this feature, it also slows down the need for reproduction of more bags. The majority of bags that are used in the retail market are produced in bulk; simply because they are not reusable. They are used once and they got to be disposed. This proves the importance of producing reusable bags, which can be used a number of times rather than getting a new bag each time you go out shopping. Consider the amount of production that will reduce if more products such as Cotton Carrier Bags are introduced to the market.

Paper is also a good alternative for packaging needs, but it does have its issues towards the environment. The disadvantage is - to make paper you need to cut down trees. Consider the time required growing a tree to its fullest and the time needed to cut it down. The damage to the environment is devastating. The next drawback with paper bags is the volume of the product. It is bulky and it requires much more haulage than plastic bags. For example, you will only require one lorry to deliver 10,000 plastic bags and to deliver 10,000 paper bags you will require about ten lorries. Here again you could see the damage to the environment with fuel fumes of ten lorries compared to only one to transport plastic bags.

Considering these two environmental hazards it is very clear that Cotton Carrier Bags can be rated much more advantageous than the paper bags.

With plastic bags there is very little benefit if any, to the environment. The disadvantage with this type of bag is the damage done to landscapes with plastic bag litter. The more people use plastic bags the more will landfills increase. Eventually these bags end up littering the seas, beaches, streets and parks. It does not only litter the environment, but it also kills animals when it is consumed by them. The chain goes on because of the length of time taken for plastic to break up.

To summarise this article on the debate of which is the most environmentally friendly bag, the best solution will be to opt for Cotton Carrier Bags.

Here is a good opportunity to take your brand name into the market using this eco-friendly bag and also to stress and show the important aspect of your concern towards the environment.

For more information on Cotton Carrier Bags visit Promotional-Merchandise.org.uk. Here you will find more articles and tips on marketing items as well as a Quick Quotes form where you can conveniently submit your request in one form and get responses from multiple suppliers so that you can find the best price and promotional items for your marketing needs.

Monday, 29 November 2010

What You Need to Know About Cetane Improvers

If you're involved in the fuel industry, then you're probably aware of cetane improvers, and how important they are. If you're not, then perhaps you don't know much about them, and how they can improve the performance of your fuel and your diesel vehicles.


Here's what you need to know about cetane improvers.

1. The cetane number is used as a measure of the ignition quality of diesel. This number is the delay between ignition and combustion. Fuels with a higher number have a shorter delay, which is better.

2. This number is not the only factor to judge diesel on. The sulfur content, stability and cloud point might also be important to you, depending on the operating environment and the sort of vehicles you are using.

3. There is no benefit of using fuel with a higher cetane number than the engine manufacturer recommends. The engine should ideally work at its best with as low a number as possible to ensure compatibility with the widest range of fuels

4. Lower cetane diesel can cause problems if an engine manufacturer recommends that the vehicle is used with a higher number. The vehicle might be more difficult to start when the weather is cold, produce increased emissions and more smoke.

5. Cetane improvers work by modifying the combustion of the diesel, to ensure that the diesel burns more efficiently and the engine runs better.

6. These cetane improvers help to improve power. This is because the fuel is burnt at the optimum temperature and wastes less fuel, and means that more power is generated by the engine.

7. Because less diesel is wasted, there is an improvement in fuel economy, which helps to save money. This is even more important if you run a fleet of vehicles, such as public transport, a haulage company or taxis.

8. As the engine is more efficient, emissions are reduced, which means that the engine is much better for the environment

9. Cetane improvers can help with cold starting, which means that your engine will be under less stress in the winter, and less likely to not start due to the weather. This can be invaluable in colder climates, or countries that are cold for much of the year.

10. Cetane improvers help to improve fuel quality, and so the overall performance of the vehicle. Even though the performance is improved, less fuel is used, which helps to reduce the running costs of the vehicle. As the engine is working more efficiently, there is also less maintenance needed, so vehicles will spend more time on the road, and less time being serviced or repaired. This means that cost savings can be passed on to customers.

Now you know more about to make your diesel engines or fuel more effective, perhaps you need to think about Cetane Improvers.

Discover more about Cetane Improvers, and Diesel Additives, and find out how to make your fuels more effective.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Effects of the Economic Slump on the Road Haulage Industry

Now that the price of fuel has somewhat subsided, the road haulage industry is now gaining back a sense of normalcy. The global economic slump raised a lot of questions as to how the once booming road haulage industry would ever recover. It is very much common knowledge that once fuel prices finds itself in a volatile state, the price of transporting essential goods from one place to another is also very much affected. Companies are likely to jack up the prices of the goods they are transporting which eventually will leave the ordinary consumer confused as to why prices have gone up so much.


The once rising price of oil also had a toll on those who wanted to delve into the road haulage industry. Since trucking companies also had to drive up the prices of their services, the manufacturing institutions had no choice but to either limit the production of goods or to just raise their prices as well. Let's explore the pros and cons of these options. If manufacturing companies were to limit the production of goods, this would bode ill for the road haulage industry as they would have to also limit the number of truck drivers that they have on their roster. This means that those drivers fresh out of LGV training school would have spent their hard earned money in vain. If these companies went for the second option and raised their prices, consumer demand would drop as well. Less demand means manufacturing companies will have to cut production. This means more people with no jobs.

So if you're one of those fresh graduates of LGV training school, what you would be looking for is for the prices of fuel to be relatively stable. Yes, you'd want them to go down as well, but stability means that companies can more or less predict and make preparations when it comes to pricing their goods and services. This is good for you because this means that you will have a greater chance of getting a gig. After all, you did undergo LGV training and you wouldn't want this to go waste. And of course, as a consumer yourself, you'd want the prices of the goods that you buy to be at least stable.

This is the effect that the prices of oil have on not only the road haulage industry, but also the entire economy as well. From this point of view, you can clearly see how important the road haulage industry really is. The goods that you buy in the supermarket or at the mall were all transported using the very able truck drivers of the road haulage industry. If this fundamental industry is weakened by outside factors (like the unstable prices of oil), you can bet that everything else is also affected.

These are just a few concepts that is essential for everyone, especially those who've just had LGV training and are planning to go into the industry, should be aware of. A little knowledge goes a long way.

Pathway HGV have been at the forefront of LGV Training [http://pathwayhgv.co.uk] for over 10 years and have seen the effects of fuel prices and are in a informed position to offer a expert point of view of what is on the horizon.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Alternate Fuels For Lorries

So, we all know that the price of haulage fuel in the UK is ridiculous at the moment, with lorry fuel costing 50p per litre in the UK as compared to 25p per litre in mainland Europe. It really is a rip off bleeding us dry.


With many owner operators and haulage companies struggling with the increased strain on their budget, is there an alternative? Well the good news is yes, but the bad news is that some of the strange and wonderful haulage fuel sources aren't exactly widely available alternative to groupage techniques as a solution to cash flow problems...

Gas doesn't grow on trees y'know... oh wait

It may surprise some readers to learn that oil can in fact grow on trees! Well, not any tree, but the Brazillian Copaifera langsdorfi which can be tapped for a natural diesel fuel that needs just a little filtering before it is poured into your lorry's fuel tank. With just 182,500,000 acres of these plants, you could match the annual oil output of Saudi Arabia (to put that into perspective, the USA alone has 6,050,697,738 acres of land).

Of course there is a catch - this particular lorry fuel only has a shelf life of 3 months. The trees also take 15-20 years to mature, and who knows what solutions scientists may have found in that time?

Nothing says go like a cup of joe!

It may not exactly be practical but some bright sparks have managed to get their lorry fueled by coffee grounds. The concept-vehicle has a wood gas generator running and the coffee is burned into a combustible gas, which is then filtered through to the engine and bingo: a fully fledged caffeine-mobile! Turns out your pick-up-truck may be in need of a caffeine pick-me-up!

Trucks powered by illegal alcohol

On the opposite end of the spectrum, most people would argue that alcohol typically slows them down rather than making them more productive, but lorries, buses and trains in Sweden have found the reverse to be true!

Customs services in Sweden were getting so tired of pouring away the 185,000 gallons of alcohol seized each year, that they needed a new solution, which is where the idea of converting the booze to biogas to use as haulage fuel came from. It now powers over 1,000 trucks and buses and 1 train, making not only for a cheap (well, it's free for the customs officers!), but environmentally friendly solution.

One truck's trash is another truck's treasure

Last month, plans were announced for 300 rubbish trucks in California to switch to being powered by the very waste they take to the landfills. Landfill gas is to be purified and liquefied producing a massive 13,000 gallons of liquefied natural gas per day. As well as being a novel idea, it will reduce carbon emissions by more than 30,000 tonnes per year!

Would you like fries with that?

Last year, McDonalds announced that it would be recycling its cooking oil to be converted into biofuel for its delivery fleet. Previously the company's delivery fleet used 6 million litres of oil while delivering stock to its 1,200 restaurants when those very establishments had their own lorry fuel literally under their noses! As well as having great green credentials (don't they all?) the fuel does not have any odour, despite Matthew Howe, the senior vice-president of McDonalds UK pointing out what brilliant marketing that would be: "If our trucks drove around the High Street and it smelt of our fries, what a Pavlovian effect, it would be fantastic but unfortunately it does not".

So for the moment at least, it's probably best for haulage companies and owner operators to stick to traditional haulage fuels and make use of groupage techniques to keep costs down, but it's good to know that virtually anything can be used to power our vehicles in the future, when the government succeeds in bleeding our industry dry...

Lyall Cresswell is the Managing Director for the Transport Exchange Group. Haulage Exchange, their freight exchange for the 7.5 tonne and above market, offers an independent environment for its members to exchange loads and manage their groupage.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

The Advantages of Shopping for Cheap Van Insurance Online

There are plenty of people who own a business that operate using vans or are private owners of vans who wonder if they should shop online for a van cover. It is extremely necessary for a person who is using a van to have a motor insurance or van cover that is adequate. Today insurance companies in the UK give extensions to drive in countries of the European Union either automatically or as a permanent/temporary adjustment to your van cover policy.

Online van cover is most often found to be cheaper because policy benefits are reduced and the policy excess is increased. Most insurance companies do not like to scrimp on the benefits and like to provide you with a van cover quote that has the best price! The advantage is that an online quote is immediately generated without wasting any time.

It is possible to compare numerous van cover quotes from different insurance companies and choose the one that is best suited to you. Not only are you able to get all the information you need within a few minutes but you are saved from tons of paperwork!

However, insurance companies make sure that it is easy to buy a policy by just making a telephone call to their offices. Account handlers and a team of consultants are well trained to make comparisons between insurance and van cover quotes in order to provide you with the best type of policy that is tailor made for your needs.

Since there are options and driving restrictions like named/insured and specified drivers etc., there is a need to make out van cover policies that suit your requirements. Therefore it is possible to avail of quotes online for inexperienced or young drivers, those with driving convictions, etc. There are plenty of vehicles that fit into insurance for vans. These are the small vans used for smaller loads, light vans, medium vans that carry loads that range from small to loads that are medium sized and the large vans that are the typical long wheeled vans.

Getting an appropriate van cover insurance policy will depend on whether you are using the vehicle for business or for personal purposes. Insurances for carrying goods for your business or hire etc. and also for other purposes like haulage and domestic/pleasure purposes are available.

Online van cover quotes will also mention the different levels of benefits, cover as well as excesses. These are confirmed by trained and qualified account handlers who can be spoken to on the phone. If you want to have peace of mind while driving on the road it is prudent and wise to get cheap van insurance as quickly as possible.


It is a fact that everyone's business is different and therefore policies should be designed in such a way that they meet the needs of the van owner. Therefore it is very important that a customer should pay only for the actual cover that is needed. If you are in need of the perfect cheap van insurance policy, then you should apply for it online so that you can be back on the roads! Make sure you engage the services of an insurance company that do not take short cuts in order to provide you with cheap insurance cover. Getting quality cover is important for you and your business.

For further information regarding cheap van insurance visit Swinton one of the UK's leading insurance companies.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Top Five Most Hazardous Lorry Loads

Most lorry drivers transport ordinary goods to their destination, pickup their backload if they've arranged one, and drive back. Most will need some kind of identification, even if it's only a name tag, or possibly a security pass. Few will need armed guards or refractive armour, but some do, and these are the truck and lorry drivers that transport hazardous and life threatening loads.


5. Toxic and Very Toxic

Many products and items in every day life have toxic elements or chemicals in them, but are rendered inert by their combinations, compounds and mixtures. Still, there is a definite need for businesses and factories to be provided with some toxic and very toxic chemicals. The sign for these is skull and crossbones - rarely a good thing - and you'll find this on the side of more lorries than you might think. The difference between toxic and very toxic is denoted by a small "T+" on the sign, but either way it's not a good idea to play about with these kinds of materials.

4. Weapons and Missiles

The army has an entire corps of lorry drivers and flatbed hauliers, most carrying innocent enough loads and backloads, including medical supplies, food and stationery. However, they also move ground to air rapier missiles, Javelin anti-tank missiles, 30mm chain gun ammo, HESH rounds and 120mm shells. Not the sort of thing you want involved in a pileup on the motorway. The army is careful with its haulage, but it certainly ranks high on the list of dangerous and hazardous loads.

3. Bio Hazard loads

You'd think that guns and ammo would be higher on our list than number three, but there are potentially much worse haulage loads to be transporting. Biohazard waste and active substances are classified into levels one to four, with four being the worst or most hazardous. Level one loads might be chicken pox or similar substances and are handled with gloves. However, level four substances are incredibly infectious, highly dangerous and usually need full hazmat suits to be handled. Loads that are labelled as bio hazards are very dangerous to transport, but are very import for scientific, medical and research purposes.

2. Nuclear loads

The last and two most hazardous types of haulage on our list are unlikely to be taken on the usual commercial carriers. It's highly unlikely that you could pick up a backload when dealing with substances that are radioactive, so these types of haulage are also unlikely to be taken on freelance. Nuclear loads (which can include fuel rods, waste or weapons grade radioactive materials) need very specific types of carrier to withstand both the radiation and any possibility of highjack.

1. Chemically and Biologically harmful loads

Schedule 1 chemical and biological substances are incredibly harmful to human, animal and plant life. Some of the substances are so virulent and destructive that only a small amount could wipe out all life in a large radius of any contamination. Worse even than nuclear spills or meltdowns, these substances can mutate and spread into water supplies, and through entire populations and across the world in a very short space of time. So moving them around the country in a regular lorry is probably not going to happen. This type of haulage is usually accompanied by armed guards and high security - with good reason.

Lyall Cresswell is the Website manager for The Transport Exchange Group. Their exchange for haulage operators, Haulage Exchange, offers exchanges and backloads for their clients with strict quality control to ensure smooth exchanges.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Road Haulage Services - Areas and Aspects Involved

The road haulage industry is an essential and vital part of any transportation system of a country. It is important in both developed and developing markets. It is important to manage even at places where the market is mature and there is little real growth potential.


The industry mainly comprises of three main sectors including

* The own-account distribution

* Contract distribution

* Shared-user distribution

Contract distribution and shared-user distribution together are known as public haulage or hire and reward haulage. Contract distribution companies are mostly involved in the broader area of supply chain management and logistics management.

The services that are provided on the road by the road wheeled vehicles. These services are sold from companies to companies. The word haulage refers to the charges made for transporting goods on carts or trucks and is nothing but the business of transporting goods from one place to other.

Different types of services include: road, local, overseas, refrigerated, group age, national, international, express, backloads and European haulage.

Normally these services are used for transporting iron ore, coal, supplies, and waste material. Road haulage service also amounts to carrying agricultural equipment, international, tankers, temperature controlled transport, tipping and constructing, warehousing and distribution. The cost incurred in loading such raw material into the machines at the mine site and then transporting the same to the processing site is called as service cost.

The main tasks include:

* Warehousing: Providing enough space for storage of freight and goods

* Distribution: Ensuring proper distribution of goods to the proper customers

* Transportation: Proper handling of freight to ensure minimal losses during transit and faster delivery

These provide different services and normally specialize in different areas like some of them are specializing in abnormal loads, crane vehicles, heavy and time critical assignments. Some of them also provide full and part load options.

Also these include providing specific services for the chilled and frozen food markets. Many companies simply concentrate in the area of general food, retail goods and automotive product markets.

Brought to you from Paul Black @ Freight 2 Transport - Road Haulage Services

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Skip Hire In London - Keeping The Costs Down

London, it goes without saying, is big. Very big. Twelve million people, 117 square miles, it is the largest city in Europe and the most important financially. It has an extremely complicated infrastructure with varying degrees of efficiency. So much so that skip prices vary massively from Cockfosters to Morden and from Ealing to Walthamstow.


This is mainly down to real estate prices, haulage and landfill costs (although we recycle most of the waste in our skips, there is a small percentage that has to go to landfill).

One of the biggest expenses pertaining to skip hire in London is the cost of the skip permit. If a skip is placed on a public highway then permit must be obtained from the council. In a city like London where driveways are scarce and on road parking even scarcer, many people looking to hire a skip will find themselves with this extra expense.

In London, there is no set rule for these permits - each borough has their own set of rules. Some councils like Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham and Islington insist that the customer has to organise the permit. Others demand that the skip company has to arrange it. This is because it is sometimes necessary for the house owner to outline fully where the skip will be positioned. Some councils like Wandsworth charge up to £107 for a permit, others like Ealing cost £20. Some permits last one week, others last three months. The variance is incomprehensible, but one thing is certain, they are STRICTLY NECESSARY. Without one, both the skip hire company and the customer could face fines running into thousands of pounds.

Of course there are other charges, including the infamous congestion charge. If you need a skip in the following postcodes, W1, W2, W8, W10, W11, W14, WC1, WC2, SW1, SW3, SW5, SW7, SW10, EC1, EC2, EC3 or EC4, you are required to pay congestion zone charges. This charge is £8 each day the skip wagon enters the zone. So if you want the skip delivered on Monday and picked up Thursday it will cost £16. If the skip is going to be delivered and collected on the Monday, it will only be £8.

To keep the cost of skip hire London down to a minimum, Topskips can offer is a 'wait and load' service. This is where the wagon arrives at your site with an empty skip and waits for 30-45 minutes while you load all your waste in to it. This eliminates the cost of a permit and keeps the congestion charge (if you live in the zone) to the £8 minimum. It also prevents the old and extremely irritating problem of your neighbors using your skip to get rid of their waste!

Marge Dubois runs you through the complications of hiring a skip in the capital. For more info click here for your FREE guide - http://www.topskips.com/seven-secrets-skip-hire.php The Seven Secrets to Successful Skip Hire

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Mechanical Haulage in the Cornfields, a Steam Wagon Helps Bring in the Harvest Photographic Poster Print, 18x24

Mechanical Haulage in the Cornfields, a Steam Wagon Helps Bring in the Harvest Photographic Poster Print, 18x24

Mechanical Haulage in the Cornfields, a Steam Wagon Helps Bring in the Harvest is digitally printed on archival photographic paper resulting in vivid, pure color and exceptional detail that is suitable for any museum or gallery display. Finding that perfect piece to match your interest and style is easy and within your budget!

Price: $39.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, 19 November 2010

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician Certification Test Preparation Manual

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician Certification Test Preparation ManualUpdated to reflect the most current ASE tasks, this book combines a clear writing style, in-depth coverage, and abundant practice questions and tests to deliver a tool that will help trucking technicians and students successfully prepare for all eight areas of the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck certification exams. Each chapter of the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician Certification Test Preparation Manual, 2nd Edition is devoted to thoroughly covering one specific ASE truck test, resulting in eight core chapters that instill the knowledge and skills needed to get certified. These chapters include extensive coverage of all the ASE tasks associated with each test, ASE-style questions to familiarize users with the testing format, as well as hints to encourage users to be actively involved in the problem-solving process. Pre-tests, post-tests, and sample tests are all accompanied by answers and answer analysis so users can receive immediate feedback for a continuous learning process.

Price: $67.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Historic Print (M): Electric locomotive for mine haulage under construction in erecting shop, Baldwin Locomo

Historic Print (M): Electric locomotive for mine haulage under construction in erecting shop, Baldwin Locomo

This is a museum quality, reproduction print on premium paper with archival/UV resistant inks.

Date: Meadville, Pa. : Keystone View Co., manufacturers, publishers, c1905.

Subject: Baldwin Locomotive Works--Facilities--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--1900-1910. Railroad locomotive industry--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--1900-1910.

Notes: H70660 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 7089.

Format: Stereographs 1900-1910.Photographic prints 1900-1910.

SOURCE: Library of Congress


Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, 15 November 2010

3842 1/24 DAF XF105 Road Haulage Tractor

3842 1/24 DAF XF105 Road Haulage TractorThis is a great sweatshirt. Great gift. All TopExpressions products are made under strict quality controls. 100% cotton, weight aprox 25oz.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Faller HO Haulage Contractor 'Kowalski' Kit

Faller HO Haulage Contractor 'Kowalski' KitDISCONTINUED WHEN SOLD OUT 14 x 10-3/8 x 4-1/4"

Perfect for any period layout where horse-drawn carriages and wagons are a staple! Features various buildings and accessories to complete the scene.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday, 13 November 2010


EXCLUSIVE PARKING This sign is made of indoor/outdoor weatherproof.040 polystryrene (plastic as thick as 2 credit cards on top each other).This sign comes with rounded corners and one hole at each end for hanging.This is a great gift


Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Sweatshirt Woman Navy Blue " Word Heavy Haulage Driver " Occupations

Sweatshirt Woman Navy Blue This is a great sweatshirt. Great gift. All TopExpressions products are made under strict quality controls. 100% cotton, weight aprox 25oz.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Sweatshirt Woman White " Heavy Haulage Driver " Occupations

Sweatshirt Woman White This is a great sweatshirt. Great gift. All TopExpressions products are made under strict quality controls. 100% cotton, weight aprox 25oz.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


This sign is made of indoor/outdoor weatherproof.040 polystryrene (plastic as thick as 2 credit cards on top each other).This sign comes with rounded corners and one hole at each end for hanging.This is a great gift


Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Heavy Lifting and Hauling

Heavy Lifting and HaulingOne of the problems with large cranes is the difficulty of transporting them from site to site. Complete containerisation is now seen as a solution, and in this video we see the world's first containerised crane - with a lift capacity of 2,000 tonnes - transported from Rotterdam to New Brunswick, Canada. At a petrochemical site, it is reassembled and begins its lifting duties. A second feature shows an industrial vessel transported on SPMTs through night-time Bratislava, Slovakia. It is then lifted by a hydraulically operated 3,000-tonne-lift crane whose counterweight is made of transport containers that are filled with locally available materials. High in the Austrian Alps, a dredger, barge and associated equipment are transported by road to a dam reservoir 2,200 metres up at the foot of the Gross Glockner mountain. This is demanding terrain for the truck combinations and their drivers. Finally, a brick-built factory recreation room is moved in one piece for preservation in Groningen, Holland. New steel H-beams are placed under the building which is then hoisted on to SPMTs for transport.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Electric locomotive for mine haulage under construction in erecting shop, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Reprint (15 x 12 inches)

Electric locomotive for mine haulage under construction in erecting shop, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Reprint (15 x 12 inches)High quality reproduction of a photograph from the Stereograph Card Collection of the Library of Congress. 1860-1945, with the bulk being from 1870-1920. Stereo card photographs, featuring sites around the world and popular topics such as expositions, industry, disasters, and portraits of presidents. This photo is of the following Electric locomotive for mine haulage under construction in erecting shop, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Reprint (15 x 12 inches). These are High Quality Prints offered by Blackstone Lithographs.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, 5 November 2010

Saucy Haulage Ballads

Saucy Haulage BalladsThis sign is made of indoor/outdoor weatherproof.040 polystryrene (plastic as thick as 2 credit cards on top each other).This sign comes with rounded corners and one hole at each end for hanging.This is a great gift

Price: $15.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Heavy Transport [VHS]

Heavy Transport [VHS]For machinery enthusiasts, this is a film showing seven exceptionally heavy or bulky loads moved by road in Europe and the United States. Perhaps the most striking item is the 1000-ton U-boat, salvaged off the coast of Denmark and loaded for shipping to Liverpool's Merseyside maritime museum.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Sweatshirt Woman Red " World S Best Heavy Haulage Driver Occupations

Sweatshirt Woman Red This is a great sweatshirt. Great gift. All TopExpressions products are made under strict quality controls. 100% cotton, weight aprox 25oz.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, 1 November 2010

Big Brown: The Untold Story of UPS

Big Brown: The Untold Story of UPSAlthough its brown vans are on every block and its delivery service reaches more than 200 countries, UPS is among the world’s most underestimated and misunderstood companies.

For the first time, a UPS “lifer” tells the behind-the-scenes story of how a small messenger service became a business giant. Big Brown reveals the remarkable 100-year history of UPS and the life of its founder Jim Casey—one of the greatest unknown capitalists of the twentieth century. Casey pursued a Spartan business philosophy that emphasized military discipline, drab uniforms, and reliability over flash—a model that is still reflected in UPS culture today.

Big Brown examines all the seeming paradoxes about UPS: from its traditional management style and strict policies coupled with high employee loyalty and strong labor relations; from its historical “anti-marketing” bias (why brown?) to its sterling brand loyalty and reputation for quality.

Price: $24.95

Click here to buy from Amazon